What's the Difference between 2001: A Space Odyssey the Book and 2001: A Space Odyssey the Movie?

Science Fiction

2001: A Space Odyssey

Released: 1964
Author: Arthur C. Clarke

2001: A Space Odyssey

Released: 1968
Director: Stanley Kubrick
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In the Book In the Movie
David Bowman
David Bowman
Portrayed by: Keir Dullea
Frank Poole
Frank Poole
Portrayed by: Gary Lockwood
Heywood Floyd
Heywood Floyd
Portrayed by: William Sylvester
2001: A Space Odyssey Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Bowman dons a spacesuit, disconnects HAL, establishes contact with Earth and learns that learns that his mission is to explore Iapetus to contact the society that buried the monolith on the Moon. Bowman learns that HAL had begun to feel guilty at keeping the purpose of the mission from him and Poole, against his stated mission of gathering information and reporting it fully; and when threatened with disconnection, he panicked and defended himself out of a belief that his very existence was at stake. Bowman retrieves his helmet, disconnects HAL and hears a pre-recorded message from Floyd about the purpose of the mission. HAL felt that the human crew was jeopardizing the mission so they had to be killed.
   Bowman spends months on the ship alone, then finds another monolith near Iapetus. When Bowman approaches the monolith in pod, it pulls him in. Before he vanishes, Mission Control hears him proclaim: "The thing's hollow, it goes on forever, oh my God! It's full of stars!" Bowman is transported to an unknown star system and sees other species' spaceships going on other routes. He is brought to what appears to be a hotel room, where his mind and memories are drained from his body, and he becomes an immortal 'Star Child', that can live and travel in space. The Star Child then returns to Earth, where he detonates an orbiting nuclear warhead. When arriving at Jupiter Bowman sees a large Monolith and leaves in an EVA pod to investigate. He is pulled into a vortex of light and ends up in a room appearing as different versions of himself at various ages. As he reaches for a small monolith in the room he is transformed into the space child and is seen observing Earth.
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