What's the Difference between the Original and the ReMake ?


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In the In the
Bethany Hamilton
Bethany Hamilton
Soul Surfer
Soul Surfer
The Doctor
The Doctor
Shohei Sugiyama
John Clark
Mai Kishikawa
Masako Sugiyama
Beverly Clark
Toyoko Takahashi
Tomio Aoki
Link Peterson
Tamako Tamura
Miss Mitzi
Tokichi Hattori
Chikage Sugiyama
Jenna Clark
Masahiro Tanaka
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This Spoils the Ending
In the In the
   Toyodo is offended by Masahiro Tanaka's excessive sweating. He is not engaged to anyone and is dancing to lose weight on his doctor's advice as he is overweight and diabetic. Bobbie is disgusted by Vern's excessive sweating. She screams at him and accuses him of not actually being engaged. Vern admits to not being engaged yet as he wants to lose weight prior to asking her.
   Mr. Sugiyama invites Mia out for dinner after a class. She refuses and says if he is taking lessons to just be closer to her, he should stop. After dance class Paulina and John go out for food.
   Mai's parents were accomplished amateur dancers and took her with to Blackpool to watch the competition when she was eight years old. She was inspired by a young couple who danced well, but dropped out of the competition when they bumped into another couple. The man protected his partner as she fell. Paulina's parents owned a dry cleaner. She was inspired to dance when she met a dancer who was picking up her costume. The dancer invited Paulina to a ballroom dance to watch. Her parents were not supportive of her dreams.
   Mai gives a private lesson on the far side of the dance floor to Shohei Sugiyama while the other students are dancing. She teaches him to stand against his partner and make a grand opening step as the dance starts. It is intimate and professional. Paulina and John meet alone at the Dance School for private practice the day prior to the competition. They practice a passionate and sensuous dance.
   At the competition Tokichi Hattori is dancing with his wife, Tanaka is dancing with Hattori's niece. Mai and Tamako are happy and optimistic about the dance. At the competition, Vern is dancing with his very attractive and slender fiancee. Chic dances with the sister of one of his friends. Mitzi is pessimistic about their student's chances at the competition.
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