What's the Difference between Psycho the Book and Psycho the Movie?



Released: 1959
Author: Robert Bloch


Released: 1960
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
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In the Book In the Movie
Norman Bates
Norman Bates
Portrayed by: Anthony Perkins
Mary Crane
Marion Crane
Portrayed by: Janet Leigh
Psycho Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Mary is beheaded by Bates in the shower. She is stabbed repeatedly in the chest.
   Sam is knocked out by Bates with a bottle Bates knocks Sam out with a vase
   In the novel, the main character's name is Mary Crane. In the movie, the main character's name is Marion Crane.
   In the novel, Norman Bates is shown to be short, fat, middle-aged and not at all likable. In the movie, Norman Bates is shown to be young, handsome and sympathetic.
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