What's the Difference between The Martian the Book and The Martian the Movie?

Science Fiction

The Martian

Released: 2011
Author: Andy Weir

The Martian

Released: 2015
Director: Ridley Scott
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In the Book In the Movie
Mark Watney
Mark Watney
Portrayed by: Matt Damon
Mark Watney's parents
This Character does not appear.
Melissa Lewis
Melissa Lewis
Portrayed by: Jessica Chastain
Venkat Kapoor
Vincent Kapoor
Portrayed by: Chiwetel Ejiofor
The Martian Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Mark says "If the Hab breaches, I'll just kind of explode." which is scientifically accurate. Mark says "If the Hab breaches, I'll just kind of implode." which is scientifically inaccurate.
   It is clear during the intercept to pick up Mark that his own ingenuity will not be enough to save him. He must rely on the ingenuity of the team on Hermes, and it is their ability to retrofit a solution and work as a team that saves his life. Mark is able to save himself by cutting a hole in his glove, flying directly to Lewis (why is she there?) using "a thrust vector that he can barely control", instead of flying off into space and dying from depressurization as would likely have happened in reality.
   Mark turns his comm off and "screams like a little girl" from the pain of his broken ribs when he's transported to Hermes Seems perfectly fine with the broken ribs
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