What's the Difference between The Sum of All Fears the Book and The Sum of All Fears the Movie?


The Sum of All Fears

Released: 1991
Author: Tom Clancy

The Sum of All Fears

Released: 2002
Director: Phil Alden Robinson
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In the Book In the Movie
Jack Ryan
Jack Ryan
Portrayed by: Ben Affleck
The Sum of All Fears Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   The terrorists' identities are discovered through the FBI discovering the van that held the bomb. The terrorists' identities are discovered through Ryan hacking into Olsen's computer.
   This does not happen. Presidents Fowler and Nemerov announce new nuclear disarmament policies at the end of the film.
   President Fowler suffers a nervous breakdown and his Vice-President temporarily assumes command at the end of the novel. President Fowler remains a strong leader at the end of the novel.
   After the Arab terrorists falsely claim that Iran had sponsored their plot, President Fowler almost nukes Iran in retaliation but is stopped by Ryan. This doesn't happen.
   The Arab terrorists are beheaded publicly in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The German terrorists are shot in Berlin while wearing stolen Russian uniforms. The German terrorists are assassinated by US soldiers.
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